API ReferenceScreenshot API

Screenshot API

The Screenshot API allows you to capture high-quality images of any webpage with a simple API request. You can customize the screenshot with various parameters like full-page capture, viewport size, and more.



Example Request

GET https://api.capturekit.dev/capture?access_key=<your-access-key>&url=https://tailwindcss.com


Screenshot Example


url string Required
The URL of the webpage to capture.

access_key string Required
Your API access key. Can be provided via the access_key query parameter, x-access-key header, or request body.

viewport_width number Optional Defaults to 1280
The width of the browser viewport in pixels.

viewport_height number Optional Defaults to 1024
The height of the browser viewport in pixels.

format string Optional Defaults to ‘webp’
The output format of the screenshot (webp, jpeg, png, pdf).

device string Optional
The device type to emulate for the screenshot.
Available devices:

iphone_14_pro_max iphone_14_pro iphone_13_pro_max iphone_13_mini galaxy_s23_ultra galaxy_s23 galaxy_fold4 pixel_7_pro pixel_6a redmi_note_12_pro redmi_note_11 huawei_p60_pro huawei_mate_50_pro iphone_x iphone_12 pixel_5 galaxy_s8 ipad

cache boolean Optional Defaults to false
Cache the response.

cache_ttl number Optional Defaults to 2592000
Cache the response for a custom TTL (in seconds). Maximum 2592000 seconds (1 month), minimum 3600 seconds (1 hour).

full_page boolean Optional Defaults to false
Capture the entire page instead of just the visible viewport.

full_page_scroll boolean Optional Defaults to true
Scroll the page to fully load lazy-loaded elements before capturing a full-page screenshot.

full_page_scroll_duration number Optional Defaults to 400
Time in milliseconds for scrolling before capturing the full page.

scale_factor number Optional Defaults to 1
The scale factor for high-resolution screenshots.

delay number Optional Defaults to 0
Delay in seconds before capturing the screenshot (max 10s).

wait_until string Optional
Define when to capture (networkidle2, load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0).

wait_for_selector string Optional
Wait for a specific element to appear before taking the screenshot.

selector string Optional
Capture a specific element on the page instead of the full viewport.

remove_selectors string Optional
A comma-separated list of elements to hide before capturing (e.g., ads, popups).

remove_cookie_banners boolean Optional Defaults to false
Automatically remove cookie banners before capturing.

remove_ads boolean Optional Defaults to false
Automatically remove ads before capturing.

s3_access_key_id string Optional
AWS S3 access key ID.

s3_secret_key string Optional
AWS S3 secret access key.

s3_bucket string Optional
The S3 bucket name where the screenshot will be uploaded.

s3_object_key string Optional
The filename for the S3 object (auto-generated if not provided).

s3_region string Optional
AWS S3 region for storage.